Desperate to reunite with her son, Eve follows a lead that brings her face to face with a ruthless prehistoric group; Gavin, Izzy and Ella question whether they're fit to survive in 10,000 B.C.; Josh and Riley wake up in an unfamiliar time.xiaokan.cc
◎译名:La Brea Season 2
◎主演:娜塔莉·齐尔,欧文·马肯,希克·奥孔科沃,兹拉-戈莱茨基,Jack Martin,Veronica St. Clair,Rohan Mirchandaney,Lily Santiago
◎资源类别: 美剧 欧美
更新时间:2022-10-11 08:10:02
《拉布雷亚第二季》上映于2022年,共有11集 目前更新至14集,又名:剧情,科幻,悬疑。